Onur Önder
Onur Önder

Onur Önder

Frontend Developer

Hello there 👋

I'm Onur, a Software Engineer from İzmir, Turkey.

My journey into the world of programming began during my time at Ege University's Civil Engineering Department from 2009 to 2013, where I discovered a deep passion for coding. This enthusiasm continued to grow even after my graduation. In 2015, I took a significant step towards turning this interest into a profession by enrolling in the Computer Engineering Department at Ege University, successfully completing my degree in 2018.

In my role at Arkas Holding, where I initially started as an intern during the final year of my education, I dedicated four years to growing as a software developer. Progressing from an intern to a mid-level software developer, I actively contributed to the collaborative development of enterprise web and mobile applications. I gained experience with various technologies such as TypeScript, JavaScript, React, React Native, .NET Core, MSSQL, Git, Azure, and Azure DevOps within a team that followed Agile-Scrum methodologies.

In September 2021, I transitioned to a new opportunity at Getir as a Frontend Developer in the Web Team. There, I gained more experience with TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Next.js, and similar frontend technologies. Subsequently, I joined the GetirLocals Disco team, where I continued to contribute to the improvement of the GetirLocals web experience.

In September 2022, I took on the role of Senior Frontend Developer at Delivery Hero. As a member of the Web Fundamentals team, I focused on various web-related aspects, including SEO improvements, UI/UX developments, monitoring and CI/CD enhancements for websites running in 20 countries, all built on a microfrontend architecture.

In my free time, I actively contribute to my professional growth by working on hobby projects. I am dedicated to participating in the open-source community by sharing these projects on GitHub and npm. I have multiple open source npm packages and demo projects to grow my knowledge on various topics such as Node.js, Next.js, Remix, various styling solutions (e.g., Tailwind CSS, styled-components, Emotion), GraphQL, Vue and Svelte.